Toy Australian Shepherd Studs

 Redneck Country has 2 International Toy Champion parents.  He  is a beautiful deep liver red with green/amber eyes.  His thickness of bone is proving to be a nice assest to our dams. He is 16# & 13" tall.  Patellar Luxation: Normal

 Gummi Bear has 2 International Toy Champion parents.  He is a Harlequin Blue Merle with heavy rich coppering and blue/brown marbled eyes. Gummi is 14# & 12" tall.  His parents are 16# and pictured below.  This boy has the thickest coat ever and such thick bones with the perfect ear set. Patellar Luxation: Normal

 Salt n Pepper AKA "Pepper" is a Toy Blue Merle & White with dilute spots & minimal copper points (which were only visible as he aged). He is 13" tall & weighs 10#. Parents are Patriot & Foxy. Foxy is owned by my oldest son.

  Tug@YurHart Coal Country

Black-tri Toy Stud @ 8 1/2 pds.  Parents are Int'l Ch-Sired Gummi Bear & Jelly Bean.

Coal has the perfect earset, ever attentive gaze, thick coat with mane and rich copper points.  He is also short-backed with good thickness of bone.

 Silverado has 2 Champion parents.  He is an Harlequin Blue Merle small Toy Aussie stud.  A super spunky little guy with two ICE BLUE EYES. He is 7# and 12" tall. His Champion parents are 12.5" for his sire & 11" 12# for his dam. Patellar Luxation: NORMAL

 Cowboy Up! is 4th generation Tug@YurHart Toy Australian Shepherd. He is a blue merle stud with 2 ICE BLUE Eyes at 11 inches tall and 9 pds. Parents are Champion-Sired Silverado & RedHot. Thicker boned than his sire, square muzzled and red factored in a shorter height.


"Tug@YurHart Rambo

Our homegrown very friendly BET (Blue-eyed Black-tri) with full white collar also carries for red factor.  He weighs 15 lbs. standing 13" tall.

Sired by Sidekick and Roxy

"Tug@YurHart Trigger"

Our homegrown boy.  Blue Merle Toy Aussie with beautiful rich copper markings.  He weighs 10 lbs. standing  12"tall.

Sired by Sidekick and Paige

 Patriot is our 3rd generation Tug@YurHart Red Merle Toy Aussie stud. Parents are Int'l Champion-Sired Redneck Country & Laffy Taffy, making him a grandson of Jolly Ranchers.
He is a handsome Harlequin Red Merle with 1 blue/1 hazel eye. He has the short back, thickness of bone and nicely balanced head. At 1 yr. of age, he is 11# & 12" tall. Patellar Luxation: Normal

"Tug@YurHart Rodeo"

Our black-tri stud with brown eyes.  He weighs 10 1/2 lbs. and stands 12" tall.

Sired by Silverado and Little Bitty


Our Toy Australian Shepherd outcross stud is a deep Red-tri male.  His blue merle blue eyed sire is 12 3/4" tall.  His black-tri blue eyed dam is 11 1/2" tall.  Chile weighs 7 lbs. and stands 11" tall.

"Tug@YurHart Cinch"

Our blue merle stud with blue eyes and rich copper markings.  He weighs 12 lbs. and stands 11" tall.

Sired by Rambo and Gerde

"Tug@YurHart Li'l Pistol"

Our blue-eyed blue merle stud with rich copper.  Weighing only 8 lbs. and standing 10 1/2" tall.

Sired by Rambo and Cassie

Tug@YurHart Sam I am

Sired by Cinch & Stella